Tuesday 15 March 2022

Corrupter - Descent Into Madness

CORRUPTER - Descent Into Madness (GODZ OV WAR - CD 2022)

Godz ov War welcomed the year 2022 with three new releases and here is one of them. Album titled "Descent Into Madness" is a debut recording from a French duo Corrupter, which I am sure we will hear more from in the future. This debut album sounds good enough to catch my attention and to remember them for the possible future encounters. And while "Descent Into Madness" doesn't bring anything new nor extraordinary, it's such a solid and worthy album that I played in a great number of times in the past few days. 

I think that Corrupter succeeded with few aspects. One aspect is that they didn't exaggerate and the album is just about half an hour long, which is absolutely enough, in my opinion. Too often I hear albums, which are good, but which after a while start to bore, because you feel like there's just too much of everything. Corrupter spends their thirty minutes very productively, they do not waste time for intros or other bullshit, from the very first song the listener is under the heavy, crushing cannonade of riffs and it is goooood! Well, another thing is that with such insanely dense, vicious and brutal death metal form there's a nice balance between slower and faster parts and between sheer, relentless brutal massacre and more memorable, sometimes almost groovy stuff. Which is a perfect way to get very dynamic, energetic and powerful death metal. Often Corrupter has a slight Immolation vibe (like in "Not Enough to Harm"), other times the music is even heavier and definitely faster than that, reminding me bands like Ritual Necromancy... All in all, there's a lot of great stuff around "Descent Into Madness". Riffs are great, I like the drumming with some nice cymbal work for instance... Vocals sound deep and bestial... There's just enough to give me that sadistic pleasure from another brutal, murky death metal. Good band! 

Verdict: 75/100 

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