Monday 23 January 2023

Invultation - The Wolfstrap


The artwork for this album - which I think resembles Satanic Warmaster's "Nachzehrer" quite a lot - putted me in good mood right away. Somehow, I knew under my skin that it's going to be a killer record. Although I never heard about Invultation before, I also don't know any other projects, which its creator (and sole member) Andrew Lampe participates... but I just had a feeling that "The Wolfstrap" will rip my fuckin head off. And as it turns out, I was right. This is a crushing album and Invultation caught my attention for good, I spent some crazy few hours with this band. 

All that despite the fact that "The Wolfstrap" is not the most original (it doesn't have to be) or impressive (it doesn't have to be neither) album of the year. As always, I just want to hear some killer riffs – and that, Invultation delivers with no problems. With this music, you’re under the relentless bestial black / death metal attack, the music is savage and just as much aggressive and vulgar as you want. There's not even one melodic fragment present, everything is focused on the brutal, fierce riffage and pounding, fast drumming. Even if "The Wolfstrap" is rather simplistic, speaking of the song structures and everything else, it has a great, powerful vibe and the music meets my expectations for such style of unholy death / black metal. You will really get crushed by the wall of fierce riffs and demonic growls, I love that bestial atmosphere, also the production is great. Luckily Invultation is far from sounding like your old Blasphemy demos... Speaking of which, I can assume that the likes of Archgoat, Diocletian, Black Witchery, Vassafor sometimes even Incantation, will be your reference points. And with songs like “Ritual Lupine Savagery”, I can assure you that it is a great feast. So, add this band to your must-have list and do not hesitate to obtain "The Wolfstrap". 

Verdict: 80/100

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