KAMPF RECORDS - overview on their releases
To be a cassette only label nowadays must truly
be something as risky as it is exceptional and noticeable. Well, Kampf Records,
a Polish label, took that risk. I was familiar with them already since their
beginnings, when they’ve released such materials as the old Xantotol demos, the
split between Bloodthirst and Bestial Raids and some other really good stuff
(Mord, etc). Later I completely lost the trace of what was going on in this
label, until recently really, when I’ve found out about some of their newest
releases. I didn’t bother to check them out though, for many reasons, which are
not important now. Anyway, one day I bought a CD from the guy from Kampf and he
was kind enough to send me the promotional package of his label. On one CD I’ve
got the wave files of fifteen releases, which Kampf has released through the
last years. There are some, which I already know (like Buxen, Mordhell and
Aifur split or Manth demo). But there’s also a bunch, which I didn’t know and
really looked forward to listen to, once I got that chance. So, here are my
impressions (in blood!) from this long listening devastation… I’m not gonna
bother with writing 16 separate reviews, instead I’m gonna collect everything
in this one, long and detailed article, so this way there’s a chance you will
not miss anything from Kampf and get the full picture of what is this label
dealing with!
The order is purely accidental…
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And I started with Manth. This is Italian one
man project, led by Bard Manth and “A Conjuration Compelling Obedience” is his debut
demo (actually this is the only demo, which has been released under this
moniker so far). And that was already back in 2006! I don’t know whether this
project is still active or not, but “A Conjuration Compelling Obedience” remains
as the only release of Manth. If you’re into the most obscure, chaotic, rotten
and incredibly raw and primitive sounds, then I guess you may like it.
Definitely there’s a strong resemblance in the style and sound of Manth to
Profanatica, as well as the obvious Blasphemy, Archgoat, even Abruptum and
other such bands, so you can expect some really evil and cacophonic sounds in
here. Possessed vocals, disharmonic, chaotic riffs and the dominating
primitiveness in the music… well, to be honest I didn’t find it as interesting
as I would expect, as the noise, which Manth produced is sometimes difficult to
stand or understand, like in the first song, when it seems like the guitars play
some simple riffs and on top of them there are completely unsuitable keyboard
parts (what makes a lot of noise and creates just pure chaos, especially when
the vocals are added also). No, really I cannot stand it. The whole demo offers
just 13 minutes of noise, so it’s not so much and I’m glad of that, as I don’t
really wanna waste my time on it for more than it’s necessary. I can agree
though that “Invoke Eternal Death into Dark Pentagram” does invoke an eerie and
disturbing atmosphere.
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Balmog is a Spanish band and here is their tape
titled “Pestilent Rats for Your Moribund Children”. Well, I didn’t have any
expectations for it, but I must admit that this demo really provided some
great, well performed and composed black metal tunes. Right from the first track,
which is the title one, Balmog really shows their great potential and
slaughters with pure and harsh black metal, which is more or less, but inspired
by the Norwegian bands. Think of Gorgoroth, Immortal, Isvind, even Taake and
Helheim and you may get the picture of Balmog’s music. It is fairly rough and
relentless, but definitely not primitive and monotonous, as the Spaniards
change the tempo frequently, from either fast to more monumental one, and they
also do not focus just on the aggression, but add quite a lot of melodic parts,
what makes the music more atmospheric. And trust me, they’re doing really well,
I personally liked the demo quite a lot. The first song, “Pestilent Rats for
Your Moribund Children”, is probably the best one, with some really killer
riffs and vocals. It’s just pure 90’s Norwegian black metal worship. But rest
of the songs – like “Lifeless” and “Humanbone Temple”, which sounds creepy
close to the old Taake - aren’t bad neither, each is really cool, so I must
admit that Balmog was a great surprise for me and definitely I can recommend
you this band a lot. For sure “Pestilent Rats for Your Moribund Children”
belongs to the best releases from Kampf Records. Oh, the band has just released
their debut album, “Testimony of the Abominable”.
Next is a three way split tape between Buxen,
Aifur and Mordhell. Starting with Buxen I must say that this is one of those
bands, which turned out to be a positive surprise, despite that it’s just
basically a very typical and unoriginal Darkthrone-ish black metal. They’re taking
the elements from “Transilvanian Hunger” up to the “Total Death” albums, but Buxen
also reminds me some of the very old Behemoth recordings, which is very cool,
in my opinion (listen to “The Seal of the Black Death”). Anyway, I must say
that Buxen didn’t become the best black metal band around and honestly, they’re
very typical and almost mediocre, but solid enough to give them some listens. It
definitely is stuff, which I would strongly recommend to those, who like the
early black metal and want it to be unpolished, untrendy and definitely also
fuckin rough and relentless. Even the fact that some riffs sounds like a rip
off – take the opening theme of “The Chalice of the Black Death”, which is like
a rip off from Mayhem’s “Freezing Moon” – it still doesn’t bother me, as Buxen
plays everything quite well and composed solid tracks. “The Chalice of the
Black Death”, which I just mentioned, may sound like Mayhem’s cover at times,
but it is a nine minutes long song and really has a lot of cool parts. Buxen is
definitely better and more worthy to listen to than Aifur, whose primitive and
raw black metal leaves me careless rather than it is able to create any kind of
emotions. I don’t mean it’s terribly bad, because I’ve heard much worse stuff
in the past, but Aifur has no ability to really shred. Luckily their music fits
perfectly to both Buxen and Mordhell and so it doesn’t disturb that much,
especially if you’re into bands like Judas Iscariot for instance. The
production of their songs is OK, there may be some really cool riffs and
fragments also, so I can say that such tracks as “Nuclear Bliss” and
“Asphyxiation” can definitely be recommended to the maniacs of the pure black
metal, especially if you like when it is mainly fast. Final word on this split
belongs to the Polish Mordhell. I know this band well, I’ve got their demos and
two full length albums in my collection and here, on this split, they putted
the “Suicide Blood” EP, which I’m also familiar with. There are six tracks on it
and I must admit that it definitely is the best band from the three, which
you’ll find on this tape. I mean each has some strong points, even Aifur, once
you start to listen to them and get used to their sound, is able to make good
impression on you, but Mordhell sounds just better. Sure, their black metal is
yet again different to two other bands’, it is rather mid paced, with very
specific rhythms, which will remind you both Darkthrone and Carpathian Forest…
but it just really cool. Mordhell creates great, eerie and sinister atmosphere
and simply shreds with some fuckin cool, sometimes almost catchy morbid black
tunes. Yeah, I really like their music, even if “Suicide Blood” is not my
favourite of all of Mordhell’s recordings.
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"United Metal Massacre" is a four way split tape, which offers only horrid
masters of old school! It begins with Japanese motherfuckin maniacs from Abigail…
Well, honestly I’ve never been a huge fan of either Sabbat or Abigail, I just
don’t like their primitive offerings and these two songs confirm my opinion.
Yeah, this is very primitive, Venom-esque metal, with harsh, screaming vocals
and rotten energy. Not really convincing for me; it’s OK, but not arse ripping.
Radiation is in my opinion much better, this is really cool Slovakian (YEAH!!)
band, which torments my brain with relentless and furious thrash metal. I like
their riffs a lot, they slay! Also the vocalist sounds really great and the
production is just brilliant. Fuck, I had no idea that there’s such a cool band
in our neighbourhood country, good to know. I’ll keep my eye on them! And I
need their demo, now! OK, side B starts with another Slovakian old schoolers, Oldblood!
And another great surprise, another fist in the face! “Metal Fuck” sounds like
a Slovakian anthem for old metallers and I think bands like Desaster would love
to have such a killer track on their album. Oldblood has also great, organic
production, which I liked a lot and I think I would need to get their recent
split with Hate Them All, released by Old Temple, as this band caught my
attention, really! Bang your head! Finally the last band is Peruvian R.I.P.
with two songs also. Both tracks were taken from their “Escape a la Muerte” EP
and trust me, if you’re into this kind of playing, listen to those South
American bastards! This is more traditional thrash metal, but very furious and
uncompromising, fast as a shark, as they would say 20 years ago. Definitely if
you’re into the old bands from this region, like Attomica, then R.I.P. will
catch your attention. So, to resume: this is really great split MC. I didn’t
like Abigail so much, but rest of the bands are well recommended and the
Slovakian pack turned out to be equally as surprising as killer. Really nice
layout in the booklet too.
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Thorns of Hate are just pure Malaysian hell!
Well, as much as most of the Asian bands turn out to be rather crap, speaking
of their musical values, here’s one band, which may cause some serious damage
in your places of living. Thorns of Hate already has an EP released by Blood
Harvest Records, but here’s their debut demo 2010, which Kampf Records
re-released on tape. To be honestly I think this is – together with Impiety and
Surrender Of Divinity – the best band from this region of the world. First of
all, finally there’s a band, which got a decent production on their demo. OK,
it may still be raw and obscure as hell, but it’s equally powerful and
devastating. Musically Thorns of Hate performs one of the most barbaric black /
death metal, so think of Bestial Warlust, Blasphemy, Sarcofago, Bestial Raids,
Revenge and you’ll in the right hell. I really like what those Malaysian
bastards are doing, they have great and destructive riffs, vomiting, powerful
vocals and first of all, they managed to make all the instruments hearable,
what not always is a priority for this kind of bands. But Thorns of Hate is
really great, they’re often fast as hell, but the title track has also a
brilliant doomy fragment in the end, which would put Encoffination in envy!
Anyway, I strongly recommend you getting this tape, it’s been limited to 200
copies only, which is just too small number for such an excellent metal
devastation, so be quick!
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Flagrvm is so called one-man band and I guess
it won’t be a surprise if I say that R.Nooser, who composed and performed
“Through Torment of Belief” plays a traditional, raw black metal. But raw and
primitive not always must be equal with useless and boring. No! In case of Flagrvm
I can say that we’ve got four really cool black metal anthems, which are just
filled with hatred, misanthropic feelings and depression. Despite some mess in
the sound and few more chaotic parts – mostly when the tempo speeds up – I was
able to pick up some excellent ideas that R.Nooser transformed into the sounds.
There are some great riffs, really impressive, diverse vocals, etc and as
overall my impression on the demo is very positive (despite the negative
message, which this music and this project represents). When listening to it I
start to think of such albums as the debut CDs from Secrets of the Moon,
Ofermod, Svartsyn for instance and I can truly say that Flagrvm is not much
worse than those bands at their early careers, “Through Torment of Belief” just
sounds rawer and like a proper demo. But it is good (evil?). The tape is again
very limited with only 100 copies available, but hopefully they’ll get wiser
and re-press it with some extra copies.
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Morbus has already two tapes released here.
This is the first one. Well, with such album title as “Diabolikalrites &
Nekrosexlust” it is obvious that Morbus sings about the Polish national
tragedy, which was the aeroplane crush in Smolensk and the lost of our beloved
president. Fuck, tfu… Of course they’re not singing about it! But the 10th of
April will be now a day of joy, as this is when I listen to this demo and I can
say that this is quite cool band. Morbus performs ultimately raw, disgusting
and maniacally fast (in many parts, but not always) black metal and if you’re
into the most obscure and morbid type of black metal bands, then they may
interest you. If not, you can always purchase this tape just for the front
cover - this nun is damn sexy! Somehow I’ve never seen a penguin like that,
here in Poland, only the old cunts hehe. But back to the business... Morbus is
not the most brilliant band I’ve heard in my life, to be honest, but they’re
OK, if you’re into primitive aggression and necrophilia. The vocals are vomited
in the most disgusting ways; the riffs are simple as the toy from chocolate egg
and the sound damn raw. Yeah, definitely this is not a thing for the fans of Ancient
or Dimmu Borgir. “Total Annihilation of Christianity” is my favourite track,
very much in the style of good old Darkthrone, which is great! 100 copies only
And here is another Morbus release, the newest
effort called “Satanik Terrorist”. Well, I must say that I like this demo more.
It is obviously still the same sort of raw and primitive black metal,
influenced by early Darkthrone, Carpathian Forest, Gorgoroth, Judas Iscariot…
Definitely this is music for the most diehard and dedicated black metal
fanatics, not to those, who only like it polished, well performed and composed
and original – as none of it can be found here. Instead you may get hit by
furious, throat cutting riffs, obscure atmosphere and ghoulish vocals. I like
such tracks as “Sadistikal”, but let’s be honest – such music comes in one ear,
but quickly disappears in the other, being forgotten very quickly. I do respect
Mayhem (the guy behind Morbus) for what he’s doing, but his band at the moment
is barely mediocre; definitely far from some of the best underground black
metal bands, which I’ve listened to. But that doesn’t mean “Satanik Terrorist”
is shit, it is just very forgettable, only for the diehards!
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Next up is Polish Kingdom with their newest
tape EP titled “Temple of Death”. Although I was familiar with this moniker for
many years – the band has already a demo and a full length album in their
discography – I don’t remember that I ever had a chance to listen to their
music. Which is fuckin’ shame, as this EP is really great. Three tracks of pure
satanic extreme death metal in the vein of the likes of Angel Corpse, Throneum
and other such obscure and totally evil death metal bands is definitely
something, what intrigued and nailed me to the ground. I like the production of
this EP, which may be quite raw and aggressive, but that dirtiness do not make
it unlistenable. Kingdom plays some very fast tunes, but do not stick to them
entirely, leaving some space for some mid paced, moshable riffing and even more
doomy bits like in “Black Plague”. There is really everything what the maniacs
would enjoy about such obscure, morbid, raw old school death metal, so I just
must recommend you this tape. Especially that as a bonus it comes with a killer
Kat cover, “Śpisz jak kamień”, one of their best songs ever, originally from my
favourite heavy metal LP of all times, “Oddech wymarłych światów”. Wow, Kingdom
really played this cult track their own way, brutalized it totally, blasting
like crazy, with the harsh, vomiting vocals, but somehow manage to remain its
dark atmosphere. Really fuckin cool. I have nothing more to add, “Temple of
Death” is just awesome and I must get Kingdom’s previous releases immediately!
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Since I mentioned Throneum, it’s time to
introduce you two split cassettes, which those Polish desecrators have released
for Kampf. The first one is already quite old now – and it is a split with
Swedish Suicidal Winds! I actually used to have it on 7”EP, released by Iron
Bonehead, I didn’t even have a clue that there’s also a tape version. I love
Throneum’s part of “Necroblasphemies”! Well, I can say it is classic Throneum –
fuckin furious, ugly, evil, obscure and mostly damn fast, with those killer
vokills of Tom! Arrghhhh! It is just unmistakable, really! Both tracks belong
to the best from this band’s catalogue and if I can moan on anything, then it’s
only the fact that they end so quickly! As for Suicidal Winds, I am not a great
fan of this band. Sure, their music is also devilish, raw and old school, but
maybe sometimes just too boring for my taste. They don’t have this spark, which
Throneum has and which puts everything ablaze every time I listen to those
Poles. Anyway, Suicidal Winds also presents two tracks and I guess they’re not
as bad as some other stuff from them, which I have heard. They surely have
quite a lot of classic black and thrash metal influence, I mean bands like
Hellhammer, Bathory and even Venom, so this is really archaic stuff and with
such tracks as “Earth's Last Breath” and “Void of Suicide” (killer ending part!)
they do hammer it down well. But I like Throneum’s cruel ferocity more!
The second split is between Throneum and
Offence. Offence is totally new band, “No Salvation” is their first appearance,
with just one song, “Revenge is Significant”, so it is rather hard to review a
band, basing my opinion on one track. Their sound is quite brutal and
definitely is close to Azarath and to what Throneum does on their recent full
length LPs. I like the feeling of their music, it is aggressive, raw and
obscure, powerful as hell and definitely not so primitive and boring. They do
fit to the Polish scene, where such bands as Soul Snatcher, Hetzer, Throneum
and Stillborn rule. I want more from them! And as for Throneum, they did a song
called “Cult From Ekron”, which appears also on their latest full length LP
“Death Throne Entities”. And this is all I want to write about it. You just
must already have this LP in your collection, so you’re also familiar (I hope)
with this track and if you don’t really know what Throneum is like, then what’s
the point in describing it more deeply? It definitely won’t help you, if you already
didn’t bother to get any of 1898273 releases (hehe), which Throneum unleashed.
Fuckin cult for me, great band, great song… and really killer split! Definitely
it is one of the best Kampf releases. Damn, I wish it was just slightly longer!
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Finally the two final releases from Kampf for
today – the first one is “True Spirit of Old...” from the American bestial
death / black metal project called Nocturnal Blood. Well, the description for
this music is simple and so is the list of bands, which I could compare
Nocturnal Blood to – starting with the originators like Beherit and Archgoat
and finishing off with some of the younger bands, like Black Witchery (I mean
younger that Beherit, as they’re around since 1999!), Sadomator, Proclamation…
you know it. But the thing with “True Spirit of Old...” is that I find this demo
as somehow way better than most of the similar recordings from the recent
years. Sure, there’s no damn shadow of originality or whatever, but somehow
those primitive sounds nail me to the ground and ride over me like a bulldozer.
“True Spirit of Old...” has killer production – perfectly fitting this sort of
obscure and bestial death / black metal, the riffs may be simple as hell, but
have a truly devastating strength (like in “Temple of Masturbation”), not only
when they play fast, but also in slower bits like “Nocturnal Black Blood” and
“Masochistic Doom” (Hellhammer worship!!!!!!!!!) and finally I also like the
vocals of Ghastly Apparition – who by the way is the only member of Nocturnal
Blood (and who also plays in The Haunting Presence!). Man, he really managed to
capture the essence of this music and created an evil, dark and eerie
atmosphere better than most of such bands of nowadays. Hails for that! I must
then recommend you getting “True Spirit of Old...”, as this is one of the best
cassettes, which Kampf has released. And I’ll try to get some other stuff from
this band!
And to stay in similar kind of music, for the
end I have Necroholocaust, a Canadian horde, which describes their musical
holocaust as goat metal. Whatever, for me it’s just pretty much the same stuff
as from Nocturnal Blood and other bands, which I have mentioned above. OK, that
goat metal tag may give you an idea that Necroholocaust can be infected more by
Impaled Nazarene, who until eternity will remain as the biggest goat fuckers
known to mankind… well, definitely the early stuff from those Finns have
influenced Necroholocaust. Anyway, I don’t like their music so much. First of
all, Necroholocaust used a drum machine, what sounds quite bad! Actually, I
don’t like the whole production of their music – like the guitars, which are
very buzzy, instead of having a heavy sound. Besides, the vocals sound
sometimes hilarious, like fuckin barking dogs! The tempos are mainly very fast,
up to the limits of listenable music, creating a lot of chaos and also
aggression, but the band is not really able to create a devastating atmosphere
and do anything, what would really make their music interesting. Unlike
Nocturnal Blood, who are 666 times better I think. Anyway, the stuff, which is
here, is titled “At War Under the Sign of the Goat” and originally it was
released back in 2006. This cassette version includes some bonus tracks, which
are the covers of Von, Beherit, Doom and Blasphemy… Ha, they couldn’t even pick
up something more original? Eh, who cares? Necroholocaust really didn’t impress
me, so I doubt I’ll ever get interested in this band anymore.
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