I have a problem with this album. On one hand I have to say that I do enjoy some classic doom metal and from time to time I love to play stuff like Black Sabbath, Trouble, Candlemass, Cathedral... Who doesn't, right? So, I don't have a problem at all with style of music, which Lucifer's Children plays. Not at all. But somehow their music just cannot convince me at all. I tried to give it few spins, but it's still with the same effect - I am annoyed. With vocals mostly. I just don't like how Lidi Ramirez sounds. Yes, she does have quite a characteristic sound of voice, which you may get used to after a while. And occasionally her vocals are OK, but most of the time she sounds irritating, I just couldn't pass by this invisible barrier. Obviously a Swedish Lucifer can come to our mind, when listening to "Signs of Saturn" - and that resemblance comes from many aspects of Lucifer's Children music. Starting with the love for traditional doom metal through the occult, satanic imagery, up to the female vocalist. But let's be honest; there's a huge quality difference between both bands.
But I don't want to sound too harsh for this band (from Paraguay!). On the musical side, everything's fine. "Signs of Saturn" has the proper 70's riffs and the atmosphere. The production is also very organic and "archaic", with that nice bass clanging in the ears, so it's just very classic sounding stuff. And if we only talk about these aspects, I can't think of anything negative to say. I like that vibe, which "Signs of Saturn" has, that mesmerizing effect it has on the listener. Riffs like those from "Exiled Angels" are just excellent, I really do like them. The music is OK, even if towards the end it can sound a bit boring. But I keep having problems with vocals unfortunately and cannot jump over them. So... I sincerely recommend this album to all fans of traditional doom metal. Lucifer's Children presents some solid material on their second album and I am sure many will love it. I am somewhere in between.
Verdict: 65/100